No rate for SGD to JPY yet at this area. Come back later.
USD 1 = JPY 135.96
as of 12 Mar 2025 05:31 PM
EUR 1 = JPY 146.41
CNY 1 = JPY 18.47
TWD 1 = JPY 3.9
as of 12 Mar 2025 05:16 PM
HKD 1 = JPY 16.74
KRW 100 = JPY 8.87
GBP 1 = JPY 174.37
SGD 1 = JPY 102.61
AUD 1 = JPY 83.06
THB 1 = JPY 3.96
MYR 1 = JPY 29.48
IDR 1000 = JPY 7
Rates are volatile and are subjective to change. Please check the update times as listed above every rate, also check with the money changers directly for the currency stock availabilities and latest updated rates.